After Placement of Dental Implants
The following instructions will assist in making your recovery as smooth as possible. If you have any questions about your progress, please call the office (270) 759-4063 or (731) 885-7891.
Bleeding after implant placement is generally minimal. If bleeding occurs, place a new folded gauze directly over the surgical site for 30 minutes. If bleeding continues, you may bite down on a warm moist tea bag for another 30 minutes. Be sure that the gauze or tea bag is placed directly over the surgical site. If bleeding is excessive, please call our office. Intermittent, mild bleeding is not unusual for the first 12 to 24 hours after surgery.
The first days intake should consist of liquids and very soft foods like soup, pudding, yogurt, milkshakes, mashed potatoes, and well-cooked vegetables. Advance your diet as you tolerate it after the first day. It is best to chew on the opposite side of where the implant was placed.
Some degree of discomfort is expected with oral surgery. If you receive a prescription for pain medicine, follow the instructions on the bottle. If you take the first pain pill before the numbing medication has worn off, you should be able to manage your pain better. You may find it helpful to supplement the stronger prescription pain medicine with another analgesic such as Ibuprofen. A dose of 400-600mg every six hours for the first 2 to 5 days is recommended. This may be used between doses of the stronger pain medicine. Do not take Ibuprofen if you have been allergic or intolerant to it in the past. Avoid taking Tylenol (Acetaminophen) along with the prescription pain medicine. If you need additional pain medicine, please call our office.
Most pain should decrease after the first 2 to 3 days. If your pain increases dramatically after the third day, please notify our office.
After implant placement, an antibiotic may be prescribed for 5 to 7 days. It is important that you take the antibiotic as prescribed.
Do not disturb the surgical site today. You may gently brush your teeth tonight. You may be given a prescription mouth rinse. Tomorrow, begin rinsing your mouth twice daily with Chlohexidine rinse.
Swelling is normal for the first 3 to 5 days. Swelling can be minimized by applying a cold pack, ice bag, or bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel and placed firmly on the area of the procedure for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off during the first 24 hours after surgery. Elevating your head on two pillows while sleeping over the first three days may also help control swelling. If your swelling dramatically increases after the third day, please notify our office.
After the implant is placed in the bone, it is covered with gum to allow healing. Dissolvable stitches are generally placed. If you have black stitches placed, they should be removed in 7 to 10 days. Also, along the incision line tissue glue is often placed. You may notice after a few days that the tissue glue loosens. This is expected.
If a bone graft was placed during your implant procedure, it is normal for a small amount of the bone particles to come through the incision site. This is expected as the site is over-packed to allow optimal healing.
You should avoid smoking or chewing tobacco for at least 48 hours after surgery to allow proper wound healing. We recommend completely stopping tobacco use. If you need information, contact us.
You should not drive or operate any type of motorized vehicle or machinery the day of surgery or while taking the prescription pain medication. You can usually return to work 1 to 2 days after surgery.
It is important that you keep all of your scheduled appointments to monitor the healing of your implant. Generally an appointment is made for one week after implant placement. At that time, an x-ray is taken and the surgical site is examined.
We recommend leaving your false teeth out for the first week as much as possible.
We are happy to see you back in the office or speak with you regarding any problems or questions that you may have. Feel free to call (270) 759-4063 or (731) 885-7891. A 24-hour answering service is available to contact the doctor after hours as needed for emergencies. (If either of these numbers does not seem to be connecting properly, then call (270) 762- 1100 and ask them to call Dr. Bobo.)